professeur et

Jon Davison est l'un des professeurs de clown les plus recherchés au monde, en particulier dans les mondes anglophone et hispanophone.

Clown Dynamics: 20th-22nd September 2024
Clown Devising: 23rd-30th September 2024
Venue: Central Shanghai, China
Email haylincai@yahoo.com for more details
Class fees:
Clown dynamics
early bird (before 15th July) 3100RMB/person,
After 15th July: 3300RMB/person
for people who are booking in group of 3 together with friends the price is always 3100RMB/person.
If the person booked the class and shared to social media and help spreading a word, there's a 100RMB discount.
Clown devising
Early bird price (by 15th July) 8100RMB/person
Full price: 8500RMB/Person
for people who are booking in group of 3 together with friends the price is always 8100RMB/person.
If the person booked the class and shared to social media and help spreading a word, there's a 100RMB discount.